
how to clean wrestling shoes

Cleaning wrestling shoes is essential to maintain their grip, hygiene, and overall longevity. Here’s how to clean your wrestling shoes effectively:

Materials Needed:

  • Old toothbrush or soft-bristle brush
  • Mild liquid detergent or dish soap
  • Warm water
  • Clean cloth or sponge
  • Towels
  • Newspaper or paper towels
  • Optional: Sneaker deodorizer spray

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Remove Loose Dirt and Debris:
    • Start by tapping your wrestling shoes together or gently knocking them against a hard surface to remove loose dirt, gravel, or debris.
  2. Prepare a Soapy Solution:
    • In a small bowl, mix a small amount of mild liquid detergent or dish soap with warm water to create a soapy solution. Use only a small amount of detergent to avoid excessive suds.
  3. Remove the Laces:
    • Remove the laces from your wrestling shoes. This will make the cleaning process more manageable.
  4. Clean the Uppers:
    • Dip an old toothbrush or soft-bristle brush into the soapy water and gently scrub the uppers of the wrestling shoes. Pay close attention to any stained or soiled areas. Use a circular motion and be gentle to avoid damaging the material.
  5. Clean the Soles:
    • For the soles and any textured areas on the bottom of the shoes, use the soapy solution and the brush to clean off any visible dirt or stains. Scrub any crevices or grooves.
  6. Rinse with Clean Water:
    • Dampen a clean cloth or sponge with clean water and wipe down the wrestling shoes to remove any soap residue. Repeat this step as needed to ensure no soap remains.
  7. Dry Properly:
    • Towel dry the wrestling shoes to remove excess moisture. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or using heat sources, as excessive heat can damage the materials. Stuff the shoes with newspaper or paper towels to help them maintain their shape and absorb remaining moisture. Allow them to air dry completely.
  8. Optional: Apply Sneaker Deodorizer:
    • If your wrestling shoes have developed odors, consider using a sneaker deodorizer spray designed for athletic shoes. Follow the product’s instructions for application to help eliminate odors.
  9. Re-lace and Store:
    • Once your wrestling shoes are completely dry, re-lace them and they’re ready to use or store until your next match or practice.
  10. Regular Maintenance:
    • To keep your wrestling shoes clean and odor-free, develop a routine of cleaning them after each practice or match. This will help prevent the buildup of dirt and odors over time.

Cleaning your wrestling shoes regularly not only ensures they stay in good condition but also helps maintain a sanitary environment on the mat. Be gentle when cleaning to avoid damaging the materials and extend the lifespan of your shoes.

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